14 years ago, the OU launched its Daf Yomi website and podcasts - a revolutionary project at the time. Some listeners used online shiurim as their primary resource for Daf learning, while others utilized them as a convenient review. For two cycles, the site saw enormous growth, with up to 3000 unique users daily.
In January 2020, as a new cycle of Siyum HaShas began, once more the OU took a leap forward with the launch of AllDaf, a comprehensive and technologically advanced platform catering Daf Yomi learners of every level, from beginners to Maggidei Shiur. The platform offers Daf Yomi learners a wide array of content in a user-friendly and easily accessible format. This includes value-added content through relevant Daf-related mini-series, including Jewish History, Tanach, Halacha, and Lomdus.
Download the free All Daf app here:
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/all-daf/id1480151101Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ou.all.daf
WhatsApp: Follow our WhatsApp status for our latest Daf Yomi features and extras: https://wa.me/message/QAKHC6W4EDRAE1