Pesukei HaDaf
Context, the key to comprehension
Join R’ Yaakov Trump as he unpacks the text, the Mefarshim and the messages of the pesukim mentioned on each day’s Daf.
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The gemara is replete with connected pesukim and derashos; Translating the words alone can be mystifying.
Now you can join in the conversation and stop sitting on the sidelines as a text-heavy Daf passes you by.
Rabbi Trump opens up new vistas of understanding as he gives you the inside view of the gemara’s thought process.
Who is it for:
- Daf Yomi Learners who want the context behind the gemara
- Those who want to appreciate the nuances of the Gemara
- Gemara learners puzzled by Pesukim and Derashos
You’ll gain:
- The ability to hear the message of the Gemara
- When the Navi lived and what was happening at the time.
- How these 2 or more pesukim relate to each other and our gemara.
- Why the gemara chose this derasha.