Daf Sugya
A Complete Sugya From The Daf In Your Pocket
Daf Sugya is a wide-ranging Sugya Shiur on the Daily Daf by renowned Maggid Shiur Rabbi Moshe Elefant.
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You know the Daf backward and forward but can’t help feeling that it’s not enough.
Now, you can join Rabbi Elefant as he works through a full sugya in the Daily Daf and finally shed that feeling.
You’ll gain:
- A thorough understanding of the Sugya in the Daf
- A full Sugya in 1-2 Shiurim
- Broad spectrum of Sources
- Opinions of Rishonim and Modern day Poskim
If you want…this is your shiur:
- Daf Yomi Learners who want more than the Daf alone
- Broaden your gemara learning Horizons