Daf In-Depth
Short and Deep. More than meets the eye
Daf in Depth is a series of short, self-contained shiurim with a focus on the deeper points of the daily Daf delivered by a varied cast of world-class Maggidei Shiurim from around the world.
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Time is always short; yet your brain finds itself with empty moments.
Fill that space with a small part of the essence of today’s Daf from our cast of world-class Maggidei Shiur.
You’ll gain:
- Points to Ponder
- Short and sweet Lomdus
- The depth of the day’s Daf in a flash
Who is it for?
- Daf Yomi learners who want “a bit more” than the basic Daf
- Deeper meaning at every turn of life
- To uncover pearls from the daily Daf
- Bring the Bais Medrash with you wherever you go