Zichru Daf Simanim
Siman - Beitzah Daf 33
  • Is it permitted to use a pointed branch as a spit?

The Gemara presents a machlokes about using wood for purposes other than kindling. Regarding using a חזרא – a pointed branch, as a spit: Rav Nachman prohibits it, but Rav Sheishess permits it. The Gemara explains that with regard to a moist branch, everyone agrees that it is prohibited. Rashi explains that a moist branch is not suitable for use as firewood, and it would therefore be muktzeh even according to Rav Sheishess. They disagree about a dry one: Rav Nachman who prohibits it, would tell you לא נתנו עצים אלא להסקה – Wood was not permitted to be used except for kindling; but Rav Sheishess who permits it, would tell you: מה לי לצלות בו מה לי לצלות בגחלתו – What is the difference between roasting with it by using it as a spit, and roasting with its coals after it is kindled? Rashi explains that since it may be handled to be used as firewood, it may be handled to be used as a spit. Others say that everyone agrees that a dry one is mutar, and they only disagree regarding a moist one. Rav Nachman would say it is not suitable for kindling, whereas Rav Sheishess would say that it is not muktzeh הא חזי להיסק גדול –because it is suitable to kindle in a large fire. The halachah is that a dry branch is mutar as a spit but a moist one is assur.

  • Splintering wood to make toothpicks

The next Mishnah states: Rebbe Eliezer says: נוטל אדם קיסם משלפניו – A person may take a sliver of wood from that which is before him לחצוץ בו שיניו - to pick his teeth. The Gemara examines whether wood  may be splintered to slivers on Yom Tov for this use: Rav Yehudah said:אוכלי בהמה אין בהן משום תקון כלי - Items which are suitable for foods of an animal, the prohibition of perfecting a kli does not apply to them. Rashi brings the examples of trimming hay or leaves of reeds on Shabbos to use as a toothpick. The Ran explains that these materials are soft enough for an animal to eat and anything made from them would not be a lasting item. Therefore, the prohibition of perfecting a utensil from them has not been violated. Rav Kahana challenged Rav Yehudah from a Baraisa that taught that one may not clip fragrant wood to pick his teeth,ואם קטמו חייב חטאת –and if he did clip it, he is chayav a chatas. Rav Yehudah answered that the Baraisa is referring to hard wood, which is not suitable for animal food.  

  •  Making piles of hay and wood to kindle a fire

It was taught in a Baraisa: מגבב מן החצר ומדליק - One may gather hay or slivers of wood from the chatzeir to kindle a fire שכל מה שבחצר מוכן הוא – because everything in the chatzeir is considered prepared and not muktzeh, ובלבד שלא יעשה צבורין צבורין – provided he does not make piles of hay and wood. But Rebbe Shimon permits making piles. The Gemara explains the machlokes. The Tanna Kamma holds that it is prohibited to make piles, מחזי דקא מכניף למחר וליומא אחרינא – because it looks as if he is gathering hay and wood for the next day and for the day after that, whereas Rebbe Shimon holds that it is permitted to make piles, קדרתו מוכחת עליו – because his pot proves his intention. Since he is collecting hay and wood for use as firewood, and people see that he is ready to cook, they will realize that he is collecting these piles for immediate use.

Siman – Peg Leg Pirate. The Peg-Leg Pirate who loved using his pointed branch as a spit, while chewing on toothpicks he made by trimming hay, watched his men collect piles of wood in the chatzeir to be used immediately for kindling a fire.

Rabbi Avraham Goldhar

Rabbi Avraham Goldhar has been designing and teaching Jewish literacy courses for over thirty years. His knowledge frameworks for Biblical mastery, Jewish History, Talmudic Law & Jewish Holidays enable students of all backgrounds to better integrate Jewish concepts and learn systematically. After serving as the Educational Director of Aish HaTorah New York, Avraham launched GoldharSchool.com, Home of Big Picture Jewish Education, featuring Jewish literacy content for schools and individuals. He is the developer of the Goldhar Method, a revolutionary learning system that integrates memory into the learning process and has trained over 80,000 students, teachers and professionals. He lectures internationally on the topic of academic mastery and the solutions required to raise the bar in education. Avraham learned in Aish HaTorah, Mir, and Chaim Berlin and received his ordination under the tutelage of Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits in Jerusalem.