Derech Emunah: A Brief History of Usage of Manuscripts of the Gemara Through the Ages

Season 2 of Rav Chaim's Seforim Explored with Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt has been generously sponsored by L’ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim Ben Yitzchok Dovid.

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0:00 Introduction

2:40 - Additions to previous episodes

7:45 - What if the newly discovered Rishon has a new Girsa in the Gemarah?

8:51 - Beis Medrash and Otzar Midrashim Collections

12:35 - Rashi and Girsos: Based on what sources were his changes made?

17:41 - Sefer HaYashar of Rabbenu Tam

19:48 - Siddur Of R' Shabsi Sofer and manuscripts

21:28 - Maharshal, his Chochmas Shlomo, and manuscripts

25:00 - Maharsha and Bach's corrections: is it based on manuscripts?

26:00 - Was the Vilna Gaon's corrections based on manuscripts?

28:10 - Early usage of manuscripts and the Korban Nesanel

30:22 - Chida and Manuscripts

32:15 - Beis Nosson of R Nosson Krongol

35:30 - The Story of the Dikdukei Sofrim

Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt