00:00 - Good Morning
00:23 - Emails
07:21 - MDYsponsor.com
9:39 - Introduction
13:20 - Amud Beis Con.
14:2: - Amud Aleph
39:41 - Amud Beis
51:29 - Have a Wonderful Day!
Quiz - http://Kahoot.MDYdaf.com
00:00 - Good Morning
00:23 - Emails
07:21 - MDYsponsor.com
9:39 - Introduction
13:20 - Amud Beis Con.
14:2: - Amud Aleph
39:41 - Amud Beis
51:29 - Have a Wonderful Day!
Quiz - http://Kahoot.MDYdaf.com