- אף על פי שחטא ישראל הוא
When Hashem told Yehoshua why Klal Yisroel was defeated at עי, He said: "חטא ישראל" – Yisroel has sinned. Rebbe Abba bar Zavda said: אף על פי שחטא ישראל הוא – even though [the nation] sinned, it is still Yisroel, and their holiness remains. Rebbe Abba said: היינו דאמרי אינשי – This illustrates the popular expression: אסא דקאי ביני חילפי – a myrtle which stands among the willows, אסא שמיה ואסא קרו ליה – its name is still “myrtle,” and people still call it “myrtle.” The Gemara proceeds to darshen the rest of the above passuk, which alludes to many other sins committed by Achan.
- "עתה באתי": גדול תלמוד תורה יותר מהקרבת תמידין
The Gemara relates that when the מלאך appeared to Yehoshua, he told him: אמש ביטלתם תמיד של בין הערביים – this afternoon you neglected to bring the afternoon [korban] tamid, ועכשיו ביטלתם תלמוד תורה – and now (at night) you have neglected Torah study [although they were occupied with war during the day, they should have returned at night to the camp in Gilgal to learn Torah, rather than remain at the siege]. Yehoshua asked him, “For which of these wrongdoings have you come?” He replied: "עתה באתי" – I have come now, meaning their currently neglecting to learn Torah. Immediately, "וילן יהושע בלילה ההוא...בתוך העמק" – and Yehoshua spent that night…in the valley, which Rebbe Yochanan darshens: שלן בעומקה של הלכה – that he spent the night in the depths of Torah law. Rav said: גדול תלמוד תורה יותר מהקרבת תמידין – Torah study is greater than offering תמידין, because the מלאך told him that between the two misdeeds, "עתה באתי" – “I have come now,” implying that the neglect of Torah study was more severe than neglecting to bring the תמיד.
לעולם יקדים אדם תפלה לצרה
In a passuk, Iyov’s friend says to him: היערך שועך לא בצר – did you arrange your prayer when you were not yet in trouble? Rebbe Elazar explained: לעולם יקדים אדם תפלה לצרה – A person should always preempt a trouble with prayer, because if Avraham had not davened before the trouble when he was between בית אל and עי, לא נשתייר מרשעי ישראל שריד ופליט – there would not be a remnant or survivor left of “the wicked of Yisroel.” Reish Lakish said the passuk teaches: כל המאמץ עצמו בתפלה מלמטה – whoever strengthens himself with prayer below (i.e., this world), אין לו צרים מלמעלה – has no enemies accusing him Above. Rebbe Yochanan said it teaches: לעולם יבקש אדם רחמים – a person should always ask for mercy שיהו הכל מאמצין את כחו – that all the מלאכי השרת should strengthen his power, ואל יהו לו צרים מלמעלה – and that he should not have enemies accusing him Above.