- A בן נח is killed for stealing פחות משוה פרוטה
A Baraisa defines the prohibition of theft for a בן נח: stealing, robbery, or taking a married יפת תואר, וכן כיוצא בהן – and anything similar to these types of theft, are forbidden for a כותי (whom this Baraisa considers a gentile) to do against another כותי, or against a Yisroel (and they are executed for doing so). But a Yisroel is permitted to do so against a כותי. The Gemara asks what is “similar to robbery,” and Rav Pappa says it means stealing something פחות משוה פרוטה – less than a perutah’s value. The Gemara asks why a כותי is prohibited from stealing less than a שוה פרוטה from a Yisroel, since a Yisroel forgives such a small loss!? It answers: נהי דבתר הכי מחיל ליה – granted that he forgives this loss afterwards, צערא בשעתיה מי לית ליה – but did he not have distress at the time [of the robbery]? Therefore, a כותי is even liable for stealing something פחות משוה פרוטה. [Even a Yisroel is prohibited from stealing this minimal amount from another Yisroel, but is not obligated to repay it, since the victim forgives the loss. A כותי, however, is executed for any transgression.]
- A בן נח is executed with a single judge and witness, and is executed for killing even a fetus
Rav Yaakov bar Acha found written in the book of Aggada of Rav’s Yeshiva: בן נח נהרג בדיין אחד – a בן נח is executed by one judge, ובעד אחד – and based on one witness’s testimony, שלא בהתראה – and even for a transgression without prior warning. The judge and witness must be men, but can be his relatives. Rebbe Yishmael was quoted saying: אף על העוברין – a בן נח is executed even for killing fetuses, although a Yisroel is only executed for killing a baby after birth. Rav Yehudah explains the sources for the requirements of the judge and witness. Rebbe Yishmael’s source is the passuk: שפך דם האדם "באדם" דמו ישפך – whoever spills man’s blood, by man his blood shall be spilled. He interprets this as “whoever spills the blood of a man (who is) "באדם" – inside a man.” איזהו אדם שהוא באדם – Which is the man who is inside another man? This must mean עובר שבמעי אמו – a fetus inside its mother’s womb.
- A בן נח who has relations with a Jewish נערה המאורסה is killed with סקילה
A Baraisa darshens "איש איש" – any man (written by עריות) לרבות את הכותים שמוזהרין על העריות כישראל – to include כותים (i.e., gentiles), that they are warned against גילוי עריות like a Yisroel. Since there is already a source prohibiting עריות to a בן נח, this derashah refers to “our” עריות, meaning adultery with a married Jewish woman. As that Baraisa concludes, if he had relations with עריות of a Yisroel,נידון בדיני ישראל – he is judged according to a Yisroel’s laws. This cannot be requiring twenty-three judges, two witnesses, and התראה, since it is impossible that his adultery with a Jewish woman would be less severe than with a כותית. Therefore, Rebbe Yochanan explains that it refers to adultery with a Jewish נערה המאורסה. Since an adulterer with a married בת נח is only killed if her marriage was completed, his adultery with a Jewish נערה המאורסה is judged according to Jewish law, and he is killed with סקילה.
Similarly, his adultery with a Jewish woman שנכנסה לחופה ולא נבעלה – who entered the chuppah but did not have relations with her husband, which is also not liable regarding wives of בני נח, would incur חנק (like a Yisroel), not the standard סייף penalty of a בן נח.