This Daf begins the discussion about the arrival of Moshiach.
- דור שבן דוד בא בו
Many descriptions are given about דור שבן דוד בא בו – the generation in which the “son of Dovid” (Moshiach) will come, including: תלמידי חכמים will decrease in number, there will be many troubles and successive hardships, the (former) meeting place (of scholars) will be used for harlotry, those who fear sin will be despised, ופני הדור כפני כלב – the face of the generation will be like the face of a dog, והאמת נעדרת – truth will be absent, youths will shame the elders, and elders will stand before minors, “A daughter stands against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law,” a son will not be ashamed before his father, brazenness will increase, honor will decrease, the vine will produce fruit, yet wine will be expensive, the government will turn to heresy, and there will be no reproof. Several statements are made beginning with “אין בן דוד בא עד” – the son of Dovid will not come until…, including: עד שיתייאשו מן הגאולה – until they despair of the redemption. When Rebbe Zeira found Rabbis discussing when Moshiach would come, he said: במטותא בעינא מנייכו לא תרחקוה – I beg you, do not delay it, because a Baraisa says three things come בהיסח הדעת – when they are unexpected: Moshiach, a find, and a scorpion.
- תיפח עצמן של מחשבי קיצין
Rebbe Nassan said: מקרא זה נוקב ויורד עד תהום – this passuk pierces and descends to the depths: כי עוד חזון למועד ויפח לקץ ולא יכזב – for there is another vision of the appointed time; it shall speak of the End, and it shall not lie. אם יתמהמה חכה לו כי בא יבא לא יאחר – If it tarries, wait for it, for it will surely come; it will not delay. This indicates that the date of Moshiach’s arrival cannot be discerned, contrary to Sages who darshened several pesukim to determine when Moshiach would arrive (e.g., "עד עדן עדנין ופלג עדן" – until a time, and times, and half a time). Rebbe Yonasan says the phrase "ויפח לקץ ולא יכזב " teaches: תיפח עצמן של מחשבי קיצין – let the souls of those who calculate “Ends” suffer! For they say, “Since the date we calculated arrived and Moshiach did not come, he will never come!” Rather, the above passuk says, חכה לו – await him. Hashem also awaits him, but מדת הדין prevents it. If so, the Gemara asks, why do we await him? לקבל שכר – To receive reward, as the passuk says: אשרי כל חוכי לו – fortunate are all those who wait for Him.
- Machlokes if תשובה is required for Moshiach to come
Rav said: כלו כל הקיצין – all the “Ends” have passed, ואין הדבר תלוי אלא בתשובה ומעשים טובים – and [Moshiach’s arrival] depends solely on repentance and good deeds. But Shmuel says: דיו לאבל שיעמוד באבלו – it is enough for a mourner to remain in his mourning for the required time (i.e., eventually Hashem will redeem us, even without תשובה). This parallels a machlokes Tannaim. Rebbe Eliezer says: אם ישראל עושין תשובה נגאלין – if Yisroel repents, they will be redeemed; ואם לאו אין נגאלין – and if not, they will not be redeemed. Rebbe Yehoshua objects, if they do not repent, will they not be redeemed?! Rather, הקדוש ברוך הוא מעמיד להן מלך שגזרותיו קשות כהמן – Hashem will establish a king over them whose decrees will be as harsh as Haman’s, וישראל עושין תשובה – and Yisroel will repent, ומחזירן למוטב – and [Hashem will thereby] return them to the right path. In another Baraisa, these Tannaim bring many proofs from numerous pesukim to their opinions, until Rebbe Yehoshua brought a proof to which Rebbe Eliezer was silent.