Rav Soloveitchik Along the Daf
Berachos 33: Havdolah; Ta'ah B'zu Uv'Zu

Rabbi Menachem Genack
Rabbi Menachem Genack has been the spiritual leader of Congregation Shomrei Emunah since 1985. He has also served as the Rabbinic Administrator of the Orthodox Union’s Kashrut Division since 1980, overseeing the certification program of some 4,500 food production facilities in 68 countries around the world. In addition, he gives a Yoreh Deah shiur for ordination students at Yeshiva University. Rabbi Genack is a close disciple of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, zt”l, from whom he received semicha yoreh yoreh yadin yadin. In his semicha, the Rav, zt”l, wrote: “He dives to the depths of the halacha and emerges with pearls and jewels. Not every day does one encounter a scholar of his caliber.” Rabbi Genack aided the Rav in editing the Rav’s Shiurim l’Zecher Aba Mori. He is the author of three halachic works: Birkat Yitzchak, Gan Shoshanim, and Chazon Nachum, Rabbi Genack is the co-editor of the Mesorah Torah journal. He also edited Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, Man of Halacha, Man of Faith, has published over 180 articles on Jewish thought and law, and serves as a member of Tradition’s editorial board. Rabbi Genack is a member of the Board of Trustees and Professor of Talmud at Touro College, from which he received an Honorary Doctorate in 1998. He was founding Chairman of NORPAC, a pro-Israel political action committee that has grown to be the biggest pro-Israel PAC in the country. Rabbi Genack has also had the unofficial title for two decades —“Bill Clinton’s rabbi.” Since the rabbi and the then-presidential candidate met in 1992, they have engaged in what the former president calls “a written dialogue,” an exchange of thoughts on religious and ethical issues. The conversations are available in book form from OU Press.