The Eruv Network is a national organization dedicated to enhancing the standards of kashrus for city eruvin, and promoting education and awareness in this complex area of halacha. The Eruv Network offers a wide range of services for the benefit of city eruvin and the communities they serve. These services include working directly with local eruv committees to improve the reliability and halachic standards of the eruv; providing access to an extensive array of halachic, technical, and organizational resources; and a full slate of highly-acclaimed multimedia shiurim, offering not only offer unparalleled halachic and technical clarity, but a forum to galvanize community-wide support for the eruv as well. With its outstanding team and multifaceted suite of services, The Eruv Network has had the privilege of enhancing Shmiras Shabbos for tens of thousands of eruv users across the country. Visit the Eruv Network at