- צידוק הדין
Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi taught from the passuk, גם ברכות יעטה מורה – also they cloak their Judge with berachos, שמצדיקין עליהם את הדין – that they (those in gehinnom) pronounce the righteousness of the judgment against them, ואומרים לפניו: רבונו של עולם יפה דנת יפה זכית יפה חייבת - and they say before Him: Master of the Universe, You have judged properly, You have acquitted the innocent properly, You have convicted the guilty properly, ויפה תקנת גיהנם לרשעים גן עדן לצדיקים – and You have properly prepared Gehinnom for the evildoers and Gan Eden for the righteous.
- The fires of Gehinnom
Reish Lakish states that, פושעי ישראל אין אור גיהנם שולטת בהן – The fire of Gehinnom has no power over Jewish sinners The Gemara asks on this from the drasha of Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi on the passuk, עברי בעמק הבכא, - Those who pass through the valley of weeping, which he explains to mean that those who transgress are sentenced to the depths of Gehinnom, where they weep, which implies that פושעי ישראל are indeed subject to Gehinnom.
The Gemara answers that they are condemned to be in Gehinnom for a short time, ואתי אברהם אבינו ומסיק להו ומקבל להו – and Avraham Avinu then comes and brings them up out of Gehinnom, and receives them. (The Gemara adds that this applies to every Jew בר מישראל שבא על בת עובד כוכבים – except for a Jew who had relations with a daughter of an idolater, דמשכה ערלתו ולא מבשקר ליה – because she draws his foreskin over his circumcision and Avraham Avinu does not recognize him.)
- Square and round rocks for double-posts.
It was taught in a Baraisa that Rebbe Shimon ben Elazar said that if there was a square rock in place of the double posts, we view it that if the rock were to be split it would have an amah on this side and an amah on this side in the shape of a right angle, נידון משום דיומד – it is treated as a double post. If there was less than an amah on each side, it is not treated as a double post.
Rebbe Yishmael the son of Rebbe Yochanan ben Berokah said if there was an אבן עגולה, a round rock there in place of the double-post, we view the rock that if it were to be hewn into a square shape and then split to form a right angle, and each side was an amah, then it is viewed as a double post.
The Gemara explains the machlokes that Rebbe Shimon ben Elazar holds, חד רואין אמרינן תרי רואין לא אמרינן – we may view one change in the rock to make it acceptable as a double post, but we may not view two changes to make it acceptable, whereas Rebbe Yishmael holds ,תרי רואין נמי אמרינן – We may view even two changes.