Shas Illuminated has undertaken to present to the לומדי דף היומי and to the general עולם התורה an in-depth ,שיעור clearly and concisely explaining the main ראשונים and אחרוניםon each and every דףin .ש”ס Each ,שיעור intended to be learned after one learns the גמרא with ,רש”י is recorded by world-class מגידי שיעורin a clear and straightforward manner that will enhance, broaden, and unlock the treasures hidden in each ,דף including הלכה למעשה.
Each שיעורhighlights the important perspectives on the דף that are not covered in the standard דף היומי שיעור. They will be a valuable asset to the ,מגיד שיעור advanced learners and beginners alike. The 45 minute שיעור will enable those whose schedule precludes hours of study, to have a comprehensive understanding of the .דףIt will also provide a strong foundation for those who wish to further explore the sources on their own.